Why Practicing Scalp Care Matters

Just as you might have a skincare ritual that features a cleanser and retinol night cream , there is also a growing demand for scalp care. After all, this area of your body is still skin that needs tending to on a regular basis. It’s common for there to be build-up, stress and even damage to the scalp that can impact the skin and your precious hair follicles. Read on to learn about why you should start taking better care of your scalp and where to begin. Microneedling Tools Your Scalp is Skin, Too It seems obvious, but many don’t give the skin on their scalp as much attention as they do their face. You might use a rose quartz roller and targeted eye cream all to care for different areas on your face. The scalp creates sebum and can experience oil build-up just as the face can. It even has its own microbiome that, when not in balance, can feel irritating or trap potential bacteria just like any other area of the body. The big difference? There are usually hair follicles that can be imp...