What Are Stretch Marks and What Can You Do About Them?

Your body does so much for you. It moves, breathes, grows and changes. Yes, your body changes and your skin changes with it. Your skin stretches with weight gain or weight loss, during puberty and pregnancy or rapid weight fluctuations. Sometimes the elastic properties of your skin can’t keep up, and rows of tough, disordered fibers form—these are stretch marks. However permanent the marks feel or seem, you can use a dermaroller for stretch marks to help smooth their appearance. Dermaroller For Stretch Marks What is a Derma Roller? A derma roller is a roller shaped tool covered with tiny microneedles. It is rolled over your skin to create micro-channels in your skin, which is why derma rolling is also called microneedling. There are specific derma rollers to target specific skin concerns on your body. A derma roller for stretch marks is designed for stubborn body dimpling on the back of your thighs, buttocks, under-arms and tummy. You simply roll the derma rol...